Chapter 542: The Value of the World Stone

The faint hint of mysterious, faintly reddish aura was something that truly made one's heart skip a beat.

Hearing Ao Yan's concerned inquiry, Jiang Xiaobai gave a light laugh.

"Nothing much, I have it under control."

Of course, he knew what was going on, but couldn't tell, nor did he know how to explain it.

After all, could he reveal that he was being aided by some kind of system?

However, just thinking about the main purpose and side effects of the title gave Jiang Xiaobai a headache.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai seemingly unwilling to speak, no one continued to press further.

Subsequently, everyone was watching the situation outside and Jiang Xiaobai took the opportunity to glance at his maligned reputation.

Good heavens, he had no idea, he was shocked at what he saw.

His spectral reputation was already over 15,000!

It was absolutely terrifying!