Chapter 549: Exactly 7 Times!

In the days that followed, Jiang Xiaobai immersed himself in the pursuit of power.

His days were split between spending time in the War God Space and refining his Primordial Spirit.

He was drawing close to reaching the next level of his Coloured Primordial Spirit task.

Time did not pass in the Blood Mist Pavilion during cultivation. After becoming absorbed in his practice, Jiang Xiaobai was oblivious to the outside world.

During this time, the entire holy city was in upheaval!

The Towards Heaven Sect had suffered heavy losses, all just to get half of the secret cultivation method.

Besides the Sect Leader, only two early stage Great Achievers were left, but they were both dead!

Not only that, even those who were at the peak stage of Fusion after surviving tribulations suffered catastrophic losses.

It was too much to bear, severely undermining the strength of the Towards Heaven Sect.

No one knew where the other half of the secret cultivation method had gone to.