Chapter 561: So Damn Domineering!

Jiang Xiaobai's words were undeniably provocative which caused the Sect Leader of Towards Heaven Sect, Bull Invincible, to turn red in the face.

Throughout his career, he had never seen anyone who dared to be so audacious towards him.

Especially, when the other person was merely a waste in the Late Stage of Fusion.

He himself possessed the strength of the Middle Stage of Great Achievement!

Such a man, he could easily take care of him with just a light breath.

A measly ant dares to challenge him?

"Arrogant fool, today, no matter who is backing you up, you're going to die!"

Bull Invincible roared in rage, with his spirit power raging to the point of explosion.

The only reason he had not killed Jiang Xiaobai yet was because he sensed the presence of two Great Achievement experts in hiding.

He didn't know who they were and thus didn't dare to act recklessly.

"To the hidden friends out there, reveal yourselves."