Chapter 571: List of Monsters

After wandering around, Jiang Xiaobai could only feel a buzzing in his head, as if a headache was brewing, but there was nothing that he could do about it.

He could not find that woman. Even if he asked others, they might not have the answers either.

But during his aimless stroll, he stumbled upon a massive ranking list!

The Wretched Beings of the Three Thousand Worlds!

Jiang Xiaobai had heard about this list before from that woman with pointed ears.

The entire list consists of ten thousand ranks, encapsulating the top ten thousand of all beings capable of entering the Battle God Space from the three thousand worlds!

The significance of this list is self-evident.

He didn't go through the entire list, only glancing at the first place. The list included their name, gender, power level, and battle record!

The individual in first place was in the Late Stage of Great Achievement, not the peak stage.