Chapter 577: Visitor from the Void Dragon World

Upon sensing that person's gaze, both Ao Yan and Ao Cheng were taken aback.

Among everyone's shock, the three of them descended from the sky.

"It's you guys, hahaha! I didn't expect your bloodline to be so powerful and terrifying!"

"Well done, I didn't expect to find kin with such a terrifying bloodline in such a remote, wretched world."

"Oh, I may be a bit abrupt, my name is Ao He, an elder of the Void Dragon Clan!"

"May I know both of your names?"

The elderly man in the lead had a friendly smile on his face, his eyes constantly darting between Ao Yan and Ao Cheng.

The more he looked at them, the more pleased he was!

Because the strength of their bloodline, was just too pure and terrifying.

In such a remote and impoverished world, it was hard to imagine such a bloodline still existed.

Ao He was already so excited, if it weren't for a shred of reason, he might have taken them away right then and there.