Chapter 585: Labyrinth Trial

Luckily, in the past few days, Jiang Xiaobai had refined his spirit power a bit using the Virtual Thunder Method.

The increase was not great, only about 10%.

But his strength was now incomparable to before, he was stronger!

He now had many trump cards, two major ones!

One-time use of the Pre-birth Divine Treasure, and the Spirit Blade that could strike at the divine soul directly!

Invisible and shapeless, when used, the blade could almost annihilate anything in its path!

Under the same circumstances, no one's divine soul power would surpass Jiang Xiaobai's.

Even if they surpassed him in ability, they still wouldn't match him!

He had tempered his power fourteen times. Even though he hadn't used it even once until now, this indeed was his trump card!

Trump cards, always surfaced at the most unexpected moments!

If you pull it out, it doesn't count as a trump card.