Chapter 608: You Didn't Say We Couldn't Use This

It seems like he's making things easy for me, but I know Jiang Xiaobai has evil intentions.

He's too powerful!

Well beyond my capability to handle.

This showdown will determine whether I live or die!

Under normal circumstances, a voice from the system in my head would encourage me to risk my life at this moment.

It feels like this system won't stop until it has me killed.

However, this time, the system is silent.

Presumably because it's upgrading.

Perfect timing indeed…

"Are you sure you're going to stand still and let me hit you?" Jiang Xiaobai asked again.

"I'll stand still, but that doesn't mean I won't hit you."

The man in the black robe laughed again, "I'll give you five minutes to prepare yourself. After five minutes, I won't hold back."

Jiang Xiaobai felt a surge of exasperation. Although this man was shameless, he was fair in his own twisted way.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai began strategizing in his head about how to deal with his opponent.