Chapter 614: Star Forging Purgatory World

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, didn't see this coming."

"However, whether it'll work out or not, it's too early to say..."

"Let's wait a bit longer. We've waited tens of thousands of years, waiting a little longer won't make much of a difference."

The white-haired youngster spoke calmly, then felt something was amiss and quickly looked up.

Off in the distance by a flock of sheep, a group of kids were sneakily trying to steal some sheep.

"Damn it, you little bastards are asking for it!"

"You dare steal my sheep?"

The white-haired youth charged forward, shouting as he went.


After a night of heavy drinking, Jiang Xiaobai woke up the next morning.

AnRan was already diligently training, Zhuang Huanling was checking something, and Mo Yu was daydreaming, staring at the distant sky.

The courtyard was quiet.

After experiencing the outside world, Jiang Xiaobai was not interested in staying on the Tianxuan Continent any longer.

At least for now, he couldn't stay.