Chapter 616: Changfeng Dart Bureau

It had been half a month since Jiang Xiaobai arrived in this Star Refining Purgatory world and he hadn't really gone out and about.

Now it seemed that on the whole, every world should have similar characteristics, all being cultivation worlds.

There wasn't any strange phenomenon that he had imagined, such as things that surpassed his knowledge.

Of course, there was such world too, only that Jiang Xiaobai hadn't gone there.

Without saying much, Jiang Xiaobai and his three companions walked straight into the Changfeng Escort Agency.

The place was rather cold, not many people were in sight, beside them, there were only three others.

Two men and a woman!

"Yo, Chen An, you brought a person back when you were supposed to deliver a shipment, what, is this also considered escort goods?" The woman teased while looking at him.