Gu Yulin went straight over to Jiang Xiaobai and the others.

She made her appearance and looked down at everyone from a high point.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you're a little good-for-nothing, and you think you can afford to visit a place like this?"

"How much money do you have in your pocket? Don't you keep count?"

"Is this even a place suited for you? Are you just showing off because you've gotten your hands on a little money and you plan to spend it here, putting on airs?"

Gu Yulin began to openly scoff, "True enough, if you bunch combine your resources, you might be able to scrape together some money."

"But it would not change the fact that you are trash. All of you are just trying your best to come here and have a simple meal."

"I advise you to hurry and leave, so you don't embarrass yourself here."

Gu Yulin did not mince her words, ridiculing everyone as beggars and trash.

To come here for a meal and enjoyment, they needed to pool their money together.