Chapter 641: Playing This Big?

The doorman looked flabbergasted and had no idea what to say.

Soon after, a group of people ran up, pinning the doorman down and taking him away.

Jiang Xiaobai found the whole dramatic scene amusing.

This guy was the worst prince he had ever seen.

Even Xiao Wuwei of the Thousand Yuan Dynasty was better than this.

"Little sister, come here, let's go in and talk," Ning Luo grinned, waving to the inside, "Go, prepare the best accommodations; my little sister is visiting today."

"If you dare to neglect, this prince will take your lives!"

Such grandstanding made him seem a bit foolish.

But what lay behind such foolishness, who knew?

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes, glancing at Huo Shuyu beside him.

He suddenly felt that princeling Ning Luo didn't invite him over intentionally, but instead purposely invited Huo Shuyu.

Huo Shuyu, on the other hand, was indifferent and followed Ning Luo inside.

"Sir, shall we... go in too?"

"Isn't this place like a den of dragons and tigers?"