Chapter 650: One Sword, Total Annihilation!

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know about the warrant for his arrest. He was standing there, dazed, holding a gold book in his hands and looking at the ground.

He'd been in this position for about ten minutes now.

Huo Shuyu, who was standing next to him, furrowed her brows and said, "What's wrong? You've been standing here spacing out for half the day."

"What do you think a vein of ore could actually amount to?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly turned to look at Huo Shuyu.

With that said, those around them were immediately taken aback.

They all crowded around, their eyes fixated on Jiang Xiaobai.

"Sir, you found another vein of ore?"

"Is it really that easy to just stumble upon a vein?"

Sun Gagniang said, her face full of shock.

How much time had passed since they settled the last three veins?

Wasn't the speed at which they were finding these veins a bit shocking?

Keep in mind that it took the Great Goose Dynasty a thousand years to find just a few veins in this secret territory!