Chapter 653: Mysterious Mountain Top

As Huo Shuyu and the others moved, the blood fog slowly enveloped them, hiding their figures completely.

In the end, the blood fog, along with the strange mountain peaks, disappeared entirely.

Not long after, a white-haired old man with a giant ghost head knife rushed to this place. Staring at the seemingly endless dense forest before him, he frowned deeply.

"Impossible, the presence was here before. How could it disappear so suddenly?"

The white-haired old man squinted his eyes, continuously searching for possible traces around him.

But he found nothing.

Just when he was about to continue walking forward, a group of people suddenly rushed to the spot at a great speed.

The white-haired old man stopped them. He was about to question them whether they had seen Jiang Xiaobai and others, when he was shocked to find that these people had hollow and unfocused eyes!

"What happened with you all?"

He asked, with his eyebrows severely knitted.