Chapter 655: Divine Thought

"Can you stop airing my dirty laundry in public and give me some dignity?"

"At this rate, everyone's going to know what color my underwear is."

Jiang Xiaobai gritted his teeth.

"They'd know anyway, even if I didn't say anything," Gu Wanqing blinked innocently.


Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly looked down, relieved to find his clothes still intact.

But, when he saw the strange expression on Huo Shuyu and the others' faces, he knew Gu Wanqing wasn't lying.

They did know!

"How... how did you guys find out?"

Jiang Xiaobai stuttered.

"Your clothes were practically torn to shreds on the back, half of your butt was out, who wouldn't know what color your underwear was?" Gu Wanqing remarked unabashedly.

Jiang Xiaobai instinctively checked, feeling a chill run down his spine.

Darn it, my reputation is ruined!

Everyone else reddened and kept their heads down, silent. After all, under the strange circumstances, no one had paid much attention to such things.