Chapter 660: Passing Down the Terrifying Cultivation Method!

The instant after his cry of alarm, Jiang Xiaobai immediately made a quick getaway.

No sooner had he fled, a red blade light then loomed from behind.

It slammed fiercely into the spot where Jiang Xiaobai had just been.

"brat, where do you think you're going!"

"People from the Star Chen Sword Sect who dare to come to the Star Chen Hellish World are seeking death!"

"Let's see how you escape this time!"

Lv Yuanzheng sneered and chased after him with his big guillotine-like blade.

The two of them moved at lightning-fast speed.

Others couldn't catch them at all, let alone understand what was happening.

"What are you all standing around for, Jiang Bai has escaped, chase after him!"

One person reacted, shouting loudly as he rushed forward.


Outside the secret realm, Ning Luo's face was as dark as water.

The wanted notice had been issued for over a month and yet, there hadn't been a single piece of information.

He had no choice but to increase the bounty.