Chapter 667: Can't You Answer This?

After hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai nodded indifferently.

It seemed that every secret realm existed for a purpose beyond its simple existence.

He had visited many secret realms, and they generally served as trial grounds.

Jiang Xiaobai inquired further and learned that the golden stele offered numerous benefits.

Nevertheless, a single stele could only accommodate ten individuals.

He also found out that beyond the golden stele existed a purple stele, and above that, a legendary black one.

However, the highest-ranked stele they had access to was golden.

"Second question, are there dangers in this secluded cliff realm?"

"Danger, what danger? Aren't you guys dangerous too?" The two-meter tall hulky man said with a face full of grievances.

The scene was somewhat amusing.

"Wow, you indeed have some guts!"

"Refuse to behave, huh? Hu Da, give him a good beating!"

Upon this command, Hu Da immediately went for the hulk without a second thought.

He was highly aggravated by this man.