Chapter 665 We're really awesome

Just passing by?

I think you're asking for death!

At this moment, the expert was uncontrollably enraged, he got up to rip Sun Gangniang to shreds on the spot.

Seeing this, Sun Gangniang was almost scared out of her wits.

She wished she could slap herself.

Was it a joke? Didn't she know what her abilities were?

Why was she courting death?

Just now might have been an accident, but now, her death was almost certain!

She was courting death indeed!

For a moment, Sun Gangniang hurriedly began to flee like a mad woman.

She didn't want to die, she wanted to live, wanted to curry favor with the influential people!

Unfortunately, Sun Gangniang wasn't fast enough, and the expert she was up against was incredibly powerful, and was about to catch up with her in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai, who was in the midst of fiercely slaughtering the crowd, saw this scene and swung his sword to intervene.