Chapter 682: Astonishing Power!

Who is Song Wenguang?

The younger brother of the head of the Star Sword Sect!

Although he is not a swordsman, he has some understanding of the Star Sword technique.

So naturally, he recognizes that what Jiang Xiaobai is now demonstrating is another version of the Nine Heavens Star Sword technique.

The Immortal version!

This technique cannot be used unless one reaches the state of immortal because the internal energy is not immortal!

Even if you fully comprehend it, you cannot use it.

Below the level of true immortal, no one has enough spiritual power to activate this move!

But what's the situation now?

This move was demonstrated by a young man who had just passed the tribulation period?

That's crazy!

Within just a blink of an eye, a thousand thoughts raced through Song Wenguang's mind.

And that stunning sword glow was already descending.

It was indeed tearing apart the space, attacking with an overwhelmingly destructive force.

Its power was terrifying.