Chapter 692: Strong Enemy

The entire Starfire Purgatory World was in an uproar!

Ever since the cliff secret area incident, Jiang Xiaobai's actions.

Any single one stood out as a shock to the world.

Killing thousands of people, and if once wasn't enough, doing it all over again.

Slaying a true immortal expert after crossing the disaster!

Threatening the Star Cloud Sect and Xingfeng Sect all by himself?

The critical point is that these two sects really gave in, apologized, paid money, and behaved like scared turtles.

They adamantly refused to make any statements.

Such grand acts were unprecedented!

For tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, no one could possibly repeat them.

Jiang Xiaobai is freaking monstrous!

He's not human!

In the midst of all these discussions, there were also quite a few other voices.

That is, everyone knows Jiang Xiaobai's whereabouts now, so why don't all these forces join hands and kill this guy?