Chapter 4: Professional Advantages, Hunter's Cabin

In the school's back mountain, to evade the imperial soldiers, Shen Congfei and his four companions were leaving traces as they ventured further into the wilderness.

"Hey, where the hell are we heading to? You seem to be leading us blindly. Are you even sure of the path?"

The skeptical voice unsurprisingly came from Xue Yangping. His straightforward demeanor was just like his animal codename, "Flathead," straight and stubborn.

Shen Congfei didn't even glance at him, his eyes were fixed on the primitive route map that only he could see.

At the end of the route, there was a symbol of a concealed house labeled with the words "Hunter's Hut."

This was a professional advantage he had acquired after choosing to be a Hunter.

The Hunter profession allowed him to constantly get the location of the Hunter's Hut, a resource refresh point in the forest and wilderness.

He did not choose the Ranger profession, which directly illuminate the entire wilderness map.

Because in their current situation, they were more in need of various resources rather than visibility.

Whether it was firearms, bullets, food, water, or clothing.

All could be randomly supplied by the Hunter's Hut.

However, if given the opportunity, the Ranger profession was the next career to consider.

After all, this profession not only provides visibility of the entire wilderness map, it also allows us to monitor the entire outdoor environment by lighting the watchtower.

With this professional advantage, they would be more advantaged when fighting with the imperial soldiers who were chasing them down.

However, the rest of the group walking with him did not know about the golden finger operated by Shen Congfei.

Seeing the way he was leading them, they had some doubts.

Among them, only Xia Wei firmly followed him from behind.

The others had no choice but to follow.

Finally, before it got dark, they arrived at their destination.

A very simple hut with doors and windows.

Judging by the size of the house, it should barely be able to accommodate five of them.

This made the other three completely dispel their doubts and breathe a sigh of relief, ready to go inside.

However, Xia Wei was a bit puzzled. She didn't understand how the man she spent her days with knew there was a hut here.

"Let's rest here for tonight and we will see what to do tomorrow," said Shen Congfei as he pulled the door of the Hunter's Hut.

Unsurprisingly, the wooden door wasn't locked and opened with a slight pull.

As one looked inside, apart from the earthen stove, the most eye-catching thing was the hunting rifle hanging on the wooden wall.

The other four followed him into the room, looking at the hanging rifle, they hesitated. The medical teacher, Chen Yuanjia, asked directly:

"Shen, does anyone live here?"

"Oh, no one."

Guessing the concerns of the others, he shook his head.

After traveling for most of the day, they finally had a place to stay. The other four could finally sit down on the floor and rest.

But Shen Congfei was not in the mood to rest. He had chosen his profession and allocated his skill points on this basic player template, but something felt off. It was as if he had unwittingly ignored something.

To avoid appearing odd to the others who couldn't see the player template, he suggested:

"How about this, let's take turns to stand guard tonight. If anything seems off, alert everyone immediately."

After hearing his suggestion, the other four people understood the importance and then nodded in agreement.

Shen Congfei took advantage of his turn to stand guard, stepped outside the hut, and activated the player template.


Every time he saw this rudimentary interface, he would question whether he had traversed into a third-rate online game world.

Shen Congfei's attention turned to his character status:


ID: ???

Name: Shen Congfei

Age: 18

Original Nationality: Morimia (nation destroyed)

Current Nationality: Neutral United Front (under full blockade)

World Prestige Level: Lv1 (0/200)

Profession: Student (novice)/Hunter(novice)

Professional Advantage: Learning skill (Through studying, the proficiency obtained in skill improvement process will increase by an additional 20%. The effect of the learning skill will gradually decrease over time and will reset the next day)

Hunting skills (when traveling in the wilderness, movement speed is increased by 10%, stamina limit is increased by 10%, stamina consumption is reduced by 10%, steps are light, not easily alarming nearby enemies and animals)

Hunter's hut (Hunters set up supply points in the wilderness, where you can get random supplies periodically, the hut is refreshed every 7 days)


Seeing this content, he couldn't help but stroked his chin.

Indeed, today while walking in the mountains, with his small stature, he could actually exceed the speed of those two human-like beasts and always stayed in front to lead the way.

Also, during this period he didn't feel tired at all.

It seems this was the advantage of his Hunter profession.

Wait... Student?

What's going on!

How did he get dual professions?

Shen Congfei was surprised.

While participating in the beta testing of "Codename: Wasteland" game, he had never heard of dual professions, almost all participating beta testers were single-profession players.

In the beginning of the game, players can choose one profession by using initial Career Planning Points that are awarded for accomplishing certain achievements.

If they are not satisfied with their initial career choice and want to change to another career, they must first earn a corresponding career certificate within the game, then pass the professional assessment before they can switch careers.

But remember, this game is set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. The institutions issuing the corresponding occupation qualifications, are very few that survived intact after the apocalypse.

So, you can imagine how rare this career certificate really is.

But what about him?

He was so focused on advancing in his Hunter profession that he didn't notice his character's status already had a Student profession.

Now, he has wound up with dual professions.

No need for a career switch?

Then he thought of a possibility.

Could it be... due to some system bug?

Shen Congfei started recalling the prompt sound he got when he killed imperial soldiers earlier.

He was a little nervous.

If it really is a bug, then the programmers of "Codename: Wasteland" would be his natural nemesis.

If they discover a bug in his NPC coding, god knows what they'll end up fixing it into.

The premise of all this is, if this world is truly just a game.

But according to the current situation, it's probably not as simple as just a game.

The sensations felt real, no virtual devices were worn on the head, the surrounding environment was almost like Earth, even the NPCs looked no different from real people.

It's difficult to believe that this is just a virtual game.

Or to say, at the current level of human game development, we simply can't achieve something like this.

Shen Congfei preferred to believe that he'd been transported to a world very similar to the game background.

But the emergence of the system made him unable to determine the truth of this world.

Seemingly, the only method is to keep low-key for now.

No matter who brought him to this world, or possibly an existing programmer.

He shouldn't let them notice any anomalies, it is better to cooperate with the game progression, hoping one day he can return to reality.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Huh, you scared me."

Suddenly being tapped on the shoulder, Shen Congfei slightly shuddered, turned his head to see it was the girl with long black hair.

Xia Wei wore a coat made from the fur of some unknown animal.

She looked at the boy in front of her who had been startled and said with a slight smile.

"You're still easily frightened, you haven't lost that memory."

"I... am afraid?"

Hearing her words, he pointed at himself, full of doubt.

He may have had the possibility of turning into a hungry wolf right now if the timing wasn't so inappropriate.

Of course, as a mature LSP, having such thoughts in his mind isn't strange, since he won't act on them in reality.

"Hmm, Cong Fei, are you okay with having a chat with me?"

Seeing her asking him with her hands behind her back, Shen Congfei nodded.

Underneath the moonlight, in the woods, two people were walking shoulder to shoulder, with the Hunter's hut in the center.