Chapter 6: Capturing Guns at the Spot

It took less than ten minutes for Shen Congfei to emerge from the woods near the hunter's cabin with a rabbit in his hand.

The consequence of demonstrating his ability was already set in stone.

"That should do it."

Holding onto its long ears, he handed the dead rabbit over to the stupefied group of four.

"Perhaps you can start thinking about how to prepare this so we can have some meat for dinner."

When the other three seemed somewhat reluctant towards the rabbit carcass, it was Xia Wei who took the initiative to take the rabbit and said to him:

"Be careful out there."

Shen Congfei nodded in response.

After last night's conversation, they finally accepted the magical transformation caused by his "amnesia".

After this was done, he picked up a bloodied field knife and waved it at Xue Yangping:

"I'll need to borrow your knife again."

Unbelievably, this "Flathead Bro" was still gazing at the knife with a reluctant look.

"You better return it."

Shen Congfei remained quiet, technically the knife was part of his spoils of war.

"Don't worry, I definitely will."

With his gun slung over his shoulder and knife in hand, he retraced his steps along the path they had originally come from, beginning to search.

Along the way, he occasionally activated his Hunter Search.

Although he didn't find any Imperial Soldiers, he did encounter quite a few wild animals like boars and foxes.

Shen Congfei thought to himself, looking at it this way, they didn't seem to be lacking in food.

Just as he was thinking this, an anomaly occurred within the monochrome field of view of the Hunter Search.

Something was glowing on the ground. As he walked over, he was surprised to find a series of footprints, all uniformly shaped, clearly indicating regulation footwear.

Many footprints from regulation footwear appeared in the mountain, without a doubt it could only mean that Imperial soldiers had found this place.

Shen Congfei looked up at the surrounding environment; he was still quite a distance away from the Hunter's cabin.

If he hadn't found that place using a map, it would have been a difficult location to find due to the rugged terrain.

However, since the imperial soldiers have already searched this far, they mustn't be far off.

Shen Congfei unslung his automatic rifle from his back. He had five spare magazines on him, totaling 150 bullets, most of which were given to him by "Gorilla" Tang Ke from the backpack.

After checking his equipment, he took a deep breath.

Regardless, this was his first battle.

He had to adjust his mentality, the mindset of gaming wouldn't work.

After all, dying in a game countless times had no consequence, unlike real life.

Gripping onto his gun, Shen Congfei activated his Hunter skill, and while observing the glowing footprints on the ground, he moved in a particular direction.


At the end of the series of footprints was a temporarily set up camp.

A dozen or so sleeping bags were arranged around a central fire that had already been extinguished.

Fearing for an attack, everyone's guns were set aside nearby.

The guard on duty was still awake, pacing back and forth with his gun in his hand.

Time passed slowly, and the Imperial soldiers awoke one after another from their sleeping bags.


The squad leader shouted, waking all the soldiers from their sleeping bags.

Without having time to clean up their camping gear, a dozen or so men lined up single-file.

"Before this afternoon, you guys have to find those escapees for me, dead or alive."

"Understood, Captain!"

The squad leader nodded his head and dismissed the single-file line with a wave of his hand, each member went to clean up their sleeping bags.

Just then, an Imperial soldier felt a sudden urge and quickly tapped his comrade next to him to help him clean up his stuff.

The soldier barely finished talking when he could no longer hold back, picking up his gun he darted into the woods.

Seeing this, Shen Congfei, who was hiding nearby, moved.

Relying on his Hunter profession, he had been watching the camp at close range without being detected.

Now the opportunity had come, the place where the soldier went to relieve himself happened to be in the blind spot of the entire camp.

He slung his gun on his back again, pulled out the field knife, and slowly closed the distance.

The more tense the moment, the quieter the surrounding environment became.

Shen Congfei held his breath, even vaguely hearing his own heartbeat.

Thump, thump... thump, thump... thump, thump...

The sounds also became clearer and clearer, and the Imperial soldier who was hunched over in relief, had his gun slung behind him and was leisurely humming to himself.

The moment he stopped and was set to pull up his pants, an object suddenly pierced his neck.

The Imperial soldier's eyes widened in surprise, trying to alert the others to an enemy attack.

Unfortunately, his mouth was covered and he could only make "hmm, hmm, hmm" noises.

He tried to struggle and get rid of the attacker behind him, but due to immense blood loss, his struggle gradually faded.

"Beep, perfect assassination of the Imperial Paratrooper, gained 100 prestige."

Hearing the prompt in his ear, Shen Congfei slowly lowered the body to the ground and looked up towards the camp.

Nobody noticed.

Only then did he look down at the proned body with eyes wide open in fear. After closing its eyes, he began to search the body for spoils.

Automatic rifle, handgun, field knife, but unfortunately, no field bag.

Without any hesitation, taking the captured weapons and helmet, Shen Congfei retreated silently, again disappearing into the woods.

At the campsite, all of the Imperial soldiers finished packing and picked up their guns, moving back into formation.

As the squad leader inspected his troops, he noticed a soldier carrying two bags, he frowned:

"What's going on!"

"Report, Private Hans is still in the toilet and hasn't come back."

"Did he drown in his own pee? Hurry up and call him back for me."

Hearing the squad leader's words, some soldiers couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, sir."

The soldier carrying two packs sneered as he left the formation to look for his teammate who had gone to use the toilet.

But when he found him, his eyes widened and he shouted:

"Captain, there's an enemy attack!"

Hearing the commotion, all the Imperial soldiers raised their guns.

"What's going on."

The squad leader's face changed, and he went over with his men.

They arrived at the back of the tree and found the body lying on the ground.

"Spread out and search! In groups of three, he can't have gotten far, don't bother keeping him alive."

"Understood, Captain."

The death of their comrade enraged these Imperial soldiers, they immediately dispersed into the forest to search.

Only they didn't know, Shen Congfei had already activated his Hunter skill.

In the black-and-white world, glowing humanoid silhouettes were exceptionally vivid.

Noticing the change in their formation, the groupings of three left Shen Congfei in a predicament.

If he fired his gun, nevermind whether or not he could kill all three.

Just the others being attracted by the sound of gunfire itself could potentially have him surrounded.

In that case, let alone confiscating guns, he might lose his life.

He hesitated for a moment and picked up a rock from the ground, tossing it in his hand.

A daring idea came to mind.

Shen Congfei hid behind a bush, he threw the rock in his hand towards the closest Imperial soldier, and then turned and ran.

"There's someone there!"

Hearing this, the Imperial soldier was the first to react, raising his gun subconsciously, but the figure had already run away.

Due to the multitude of trees in the forest that obstructed his aim, he could only chase after the vanishing figure.

The other two soldiers followed suit.