Chapter 11: The Ongoing Annihilation

The other four Imperial soldiers lying on the ground, seeing their own squad leader starting to take action, each chose a direction, advancing with their guns at the ready.

The gunfire hidden in the woods on the other side stopped one after another, seeming to perceive that the enemy did not counterattack, and they also stopped shooting.

For a moment, the entire forest fell into silence.


Suddenly, a voice broke the silence.

The Imperial soldiers didn't understand what it meant, because it was the common language of the Neutral United Front, but they understood that their plan to approach the enemy secretly had been exposed.

In an instant, they got up and saw a figure running rapidly towards the forest from each direction.

"Chase separately."

The remaining four Imperial soldiers each chose a direction and chased after those figures.


As they chased down.

They noticed something was wrong.

Not only did they lose their targets, but they also regrouped with the other three comrades.

It seemed as if the other party had deliberately done this... and then they were all caught in one fell swoop!

The four Imperial soldiers on the scene instantly got smart, they backed up against each other, with guns pointed all around.

At the slightest movement in the grass, they planned to shoot.

Unfortunately, the anticipated attack never came after waiting for a long time.

A breeze stirred, rustling the tree shadows.

The cool breeze added a bit of coolness to the anxious faces of the four Imperial soldiers, also cooling their heated minds.

At this time, one of the soldiers seemed to be somewhat itchy due to the sweat beads trickling down his forehead. Holding the gun with one hand, he secretly wiped the sweat with the other hand.

Accidentally, he raised his head up, and his eyes widened:

"There's an enemy..."

Before he could finish shouting, a burst of bullets flew and turned him into a sieve.

The other three Imperial soldiers nearby reacted and looked up, only to find that the enemy was all in the treetops.

They were about to lift their guns and shoot.

However, the people in the tree had already aimed at them.

Although the accuracy of the shooting was poor, the continuous firing speed of the automatic rifle still sent them to their graves.

Seeing the four corpses on the ground, the people in the tree finally stopped shooting.


A dry heaving sound came, followed by a laugh.


Meanwhile, far away, the squad leader of the first squad, hearing the faint sound of gunfire which quickly disappeared, paused briefly, then continued to advance.

Although he didn't know what the situation was, he felt that with the level of raw recruits he was leading, it was expected to lose one or two people in order to annihilate the entire enemy.

This was also inevitable, as the Empire's preparation for the "Endless Daytime Raid" operation plan required a large number of additional troops, just recruiting a large number of new recruits.

This operation also had the intention to train the soldiers within it.

He didn't know how many could survive in the end in the battle against the Free Alliance.

Thinking of this, the squad leader crawling on the ground couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly. In an instant, he put away his smile and, with a serious expression, searched towards where the other party had just opened fire, meanwhile drawing out his combat knife from his waist.

When he arrived here, he spotted at a glance the footprints on the ground, along with the bullet shells dropped nearby, all indicating that someone had fired a gun.

It's just that the person who fired the gun was not here now.

The commander of the Empire's first squad realized that the opponent was a master and had guessed that he had sneaked in.

He held up his rifle, crouched in the grass, and observed his surroundings.

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he took careful aim and fired.


The bullet flew out from the muzzle and hit a tree.

This also caused the barely hidden muzzle behind the tree to retreat slightly.

The corner of the first squad leader's mouth raised slightly, he maintained his shooting posture, and shouted in the Imperial language:

"You don't have to hide, I've already seen you, why don't you come out, I might spare your life."

However, to his surprise, a feminine voice replied from behind the tree, also in the Imperial language:

"Don't get your hopes up. I would never surrender to the Empire."

The squad leader of the first squad was somewhat surprised. He was not expecting that his imaginary enemy was a woman. Furthermore, judging by her voice, she was young and held a grudge against the Empire.


If she is disrespectful to my Empire, she can't blame me for being ruthless.

His eyes focused, and the corner of his mouth lifted again due to the upcoming killing.

However, before he could fire, something quietly touched the back of the squad leader's head.

"Hey, drop your gun."

Although he did not understand what the other party was saying, he could probably guess the meaning.

As the squad leader of the first squad, he bit his teeth in humiliation and refused to drop his weapon.

The person behind him watched this, and prodded the back of the opposite party's head again with the muzzle of the automatic rifle:

"Hey, don't you understand? Oh right, you really don't understand, wouldn't it be better to just shoot you dead?"

Another poke with the muzzle, the veteran Imperial soldier felt even more aggrieved, but finally yielded to the sound of the bullet loading and reluctantly put down his gun.

The person behind swiftly moved to the side and kicked away the automatic rifle.

The squad leader of the Empire's first squad also got a clear look at the face of the assailant behind him.

It turned out to be a slender, just adult student, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

A veteran soldier with countless battle experiences was actually subdued by a rookie.

Honestly, he knew that the result would be like this from the start, he would rather die than yield, and would not drop the weapon and be shot to death instead.

At this time, the person behind the tree who knew the Empire's language also came out.

As expected, it was also a female student in a school uniform.

The veteran Imperial soldier couldn't help but laugh bitterly. He was indeed something, as he was actually caught by a pair of rookies.

It's a classic bait tactic that was so easily employed to trap him.

But at this moment, he had to admit his underestimation of the opponent.

The other two people on the scene didn't know that this veteran Imperial soldier, who was on the brink of death, would still be so active in his heart.

"Cong Fei, let me do it."

Hearing the words of the person next to him, Shen Congfei, who was pointing the gun at the enemy, nodded, stepped back, but the muzzle of the gun never left the Imperial soldier.

Xia Wei stepped forward, pointing the gun at the other party, and asked in the Empire's language:

"What exactly is your plan?"

As soon as the Imperial soldier heard that it was an interrogation, he looked up and laughed:

"Little sister, if you think you can get any information from me, then you're sorely mistaken."

"Really? I didn't intend to ask anything anyway."

After Xia Wei finished speaking, she directly pulled the trigger.


A gunshot ended the life of this veteran Imperial soldier.

Before his death, there was still some amazement on his face, as if he didn't understand how such a pretty female student could be so decisive in her actions.

After firing the gun, Xia Wei took a few deep breaths, put down the gun, and lowered her head. Her shoulders shivered slightly as if she were sobbing.

Shen Congfei knew why she was reacting like this.

It wasn't easy for her deep-seated hatred to finally release all at once.

He shouldered his gun, walked over, and hugged her, lightly patting her back. He looked at the corpse of the Imperial soldier on the ground and sighed slightly.

It's just a bit of a pity. After all, it was a hundred world reputation points.