Chapter 14 Call me Starlight

He had no idea how long he'd slept when Shen Congfei groggily opened his eyes.

Yet, he spotted what seemed like a silhouette in front of the nearby wardrobe.

He merely assumed he was in the middle of a colorful dream at the sight.

Without thinking, the corner of his mouth curled upward into a smile that only an LSP would comprehend.

For, the silhouette was nothing but a bare, elegant back, devoid of any covering fabric.

The sight of the long, sleek, black hair cascading down, the subtly pointed shoulder blades, and the curve of the slim waist following the line of her spine, all stirred an instinctive desire to embrace her.

How could such an implausible sight manifest in reality?

That was what Shen Congfei considered.

As everyone knows, an LSP's conduct remains reserved to dreams and the mind, which prompted him to reach out with one errant hand.


Jolted awake by the shrill scream, Shen Congfei turned to see Xia Wei—who had her back turned towards him—looking at him with an expression of embarrassment mixed with a bit of anger.

Only then did he realize that he was not dreaming.

"You're still looking!"

"All right, all right, I'm not looking, not looking. I'm turning away now, you go ahead and change," he quickly turned away to lie on his bed, no longer facing her.

He could hear the rustling sound which he knew was the sound of clothes rubbing against her skin.

"Alright, you can turn back now."

Hearing her voice, Shen Congfei turned back awkwardly.

Xia Wei stood loftily with her arms wrapped around her chest, her face was eerily calm:

"So when did you start watching?"

"Ah… just now...not too long ago actually. It was an accident, I thought I was dreaming."

"So in your dreams, anything goes?"

Faced with her questioning, Shen Congfei's first instinct was to say yes.

But he thought better of it and obediently replied "no."

However, Xia Wei's facial expression remained the same, she just asked:

"Cong Fei, do you like me?"


Without any hesitation, Shen Congfei responded, led by his heart and survival instincts.

Hearing this, Xia Wei's hardened features softened, she sat beside him on the bed and said:

"I know."

"But…not now."

Before Shen Cong Fei could ask why, Xia Wei beat him to it with her own explanation:

"I hope when everything is over, we can consider these matters."

With saying that, she turned herself away to look at the wardrobe, a nostalgic expression inadvertently appearing on her face:

"You should know, my real name isn't Xia Wei..."

She was interrupted halfway through her sentence by the realization of Sean's "amnesia," turned her head back towards him and smiled:

"Xia and Wei were my parents' names."

Looking at her smile, Shen Congfei could feel a mix of complex emotions underneath it.

This gave him a heartache, so he nodded his head and reached out his hand to her.

"Then, let me help you."

Looking at his sincere expression, Xia Wei placed her hand in his.

Without any spoken words, a sense of mutual understanding passed between them, and neither of them spoke.

After a while, the two of them descended down the stairs hand in hand.

There were three different expressions from the people in the living room, and two guys looked like they were up to no good.

The granny teacher, however, looked helpless: "I don't mind you young people dating, but there is a limit."

Xia Wei blushed, "Miss Chen, what are you saying? I just went upstairs to change my clothes."

Chen Yuanjia didn't listen to her explanation, she just looked at the two holding hands and sighed.

Upon noticing, Xia Wei hastily let go of Shen Congfei's hand.

Seeing this, Shen Congfei quickly clarified for her, "Don't think too much, we really just went to change clothes."

Regardless, "baldy" Xue Yangping managed to pick up on the key point:

"Ah, so you two just went to change clothes? Did you two change together?"

Realizing that no amount of explanation would help, Shen Congfei and Xia Wei wisely decided to remain silent.

Indeed, after a few laughs and jeers, no one brought up the matter again.

The five of them huddled around the table in Hunter's cabin and discussed how to infiltrate the city.

Given that the main aim of infiltrating the city was to cause destruction and divert the attention of the enemy, they needed to find reliable people within the city to act as informants and provide information and leads.

"Among our classmates, there must be some reliable people, right?"

"Uh-huh, most of the people on our basketball team are trustworthy, and we can also recruit some people if necessary. I think they would be more than happy to join us in the fight," suggested Xue Yangping, a key player on the basketball team.

The school's medical teacher, Chen Yuanjia, also made a promise: "Then at that time, I will also contact the other teachers to see the situation."

Tang Ke, who was usually quiet, surprisingly said: "I think…my parents might be able to help us."

"Moreover, if we want to sneak into the city, I have a suggestion."


The eastern city.

The five of them managed to bypass the imperial patrol troops and arrived here from the mountains.

Looking at the checkpoint on the highway, Shen Congfei turned to Tang Ke,

"Are you sure there really is a way in here?"

"The Gorilla" nodded his head, gestured for the rest to follow him with a hand, and took the lead.

Along the way, Xue Yangping, the chatterbox, once again started a conversation:

"Speaking of which, my code name is 'baldy', Miss Chen's is 'doctor', his is 'the gorilla'…"

"Call me Black Kong."

Tang Ke, unemotionally corrected him. 'Black Kong' was a name he adapted from the title of a movie.

"Alright, alright, Black Kong it is, Black Kong. I just hope you can live up to this mighty name."

Having said that, Xue Yangping immediately turned to Shen Congfei and Xia Wei:

"What about the two of you? What are your code names?"

Knowing that their codenames were the real purpose of starting the conversation, Shen Congfei pointed at Xia Wei:

"She's Valkyrie."

And then pointed at himself: "As for"

He thought for a while, but couldn't come up with anything suitable.

But just then, Shen Congfei suddenly remembered the day when he had decided to counterattack. The scene of the fire slowly consuming the wood in the fireplace came to his mind.

He had his answer.

"Spark, you guys can call me Spark."

After everyone had decided on their codenames, they finally arrived at the purported secret entrance. It turned out to be a wall.

They watched as Tang Ke pulled out a rope, made a knot that he threw over a point on the wall. He gave the rope a tug and it seemed secure.

"Once we get in through here, we'll be at my house."

Having said that, Tang Ke was the first one to climb the wall using the rope.

After reaching the top, he first made a quick survey of the place on the other side of the wall, then turned to signal the others with his hand.

"Come on up."

Once everyone had climbed the wall, they were surprised to find that they were in a zoo.

No wonder he said it was his house, Shen Congfei muttered to himself.

At that moment, however, a voice echoed through the zoo:

"Who's there!"