Chapter 25: Rescue Begins

"Alright, here's the plan."

In the living room of the Hunter's cabin, Shen Congfei was gesturing back and forth over a map spread out on the table:

"Come tomorrow, the city center will surely be a focal point for the Imperial Army."

"We must figure out a way to distract and contain their forces first."

"My idea is that we each send someone to cause havoc in the east and the west portions of the city. The bigger the commotion, the better. As long as it's noticeable enough to attract a portion of their forces."

With that, he raised his head to look at the faces around him: "This task is dangerous. Those who go will be virtually left on their own."

After a moment of silence, a hand was raised.

"I'll go."

Shen Congfei turned and spotted "Brother Flat Head," Xue Yangping:

"Are you sure about this?"

The man nodded: "I still have some scores to settle, it's perfect."

After Xue Yangping finished speaking, he stomped on the floor, and everyone suddenly understood.

Knowing that Xue Yangping's mind was made up, Shen Congfei sighed and pointed at the eastern side of the map:

"The lieutenant said his camp was around here, right? So, we'll leave the east to you."

The other man nodded, and for the first time in a while, he broke into a grin, his eyes filled with the thrill of impending revenge.

Then another voice chimed in:

"Well, I will take the right side."

Everyone turned to see the usually reticent "Black Diamond" Tang Ke.

"Don't look at me like that. I know it's risky, but we're rescuing my parents, isn't a bit of danger worth it?"

"What if your parents ask about your situation?" the medical teacher, Chen Yuanjia, asked with a furrowed brow.

"If I die, ask them to take revenge if they can. If the war ends, then ask them to keep running the zoo."

Shen Congfei was taken aback by his words.

Goodness, he's already saying his last words.

As the other people listened to the big man's remarks, a feeling of admiration welled up in their hearts, as though this was true manhood.

"Good brother, let's tread this muddy water together."

Like a man who knew his death was imminent, Xue Yangping reverted to his old cheerful ways, laughing while he pulled his comrade-in-danger into a brotherly hug.

Tang Ke didn't respond. He looked calm, his big hand petting a small cooing dove.

"Alright then, now that we've settled who's going where, we just have to arrange the central rescue."

Shen Congfei said, feeling as if this was going to be a major bone of contention.

Even after diverting some of the forces, the remaining Imperial Army was still stronger than their remaining group.

"Wait a minute, about the city hall?"

The skinny Tom from the Cat-and-Mouse duo suddenly started to speak, then hesitated again.

Shen Congfei turned to him: "What is it? Did you think of something?"

"Perhaps I have a plan..."


As the discussion in the Hunter's cabin carried on, the sky outside gradually darkened.

Night fell, insects started chirping.

In preparation for tomorrow's battle, everyone began to mobilize, moving weapons and ammunition towards the city.

The preparations carried on quietly throughout the night.

The next morning.

The people of the border city slowly walked out of their homes, their minds heavy with complex emotions as they went to witness the execution in front of City Hall.

In front of the city hall was the same red stage as before, and this time, more seats had been placed on the stage, suggesting the presence of some high-ranking spectactors.

Shen Congfei, who was in a five-storey building near the city hall and had already started observing, set up his rifle at the window and watched the scene through its scope.

The rest of them were also lurking nearby.

The stage was set, waiting for the actors to step on it.

Soon, a number of Imperial Officers, including a Colonel, made their appearance.

The Mayor from yesterday was also there.

Moreover, there were a few solemn-faced men in black suits, their identities unknown.

The group took their seats on the stage.

Over the loudspeaker, the grandiose music characteristic of the Empire was slowly played.

As expected, Tang's parents were brought onto the stage at gunpoint by two Imperial soldiers.

There was a stir among the crowd gathered under the stage as people recognized the couple who ran the zoo.

Then a clergy-like figure made his way onto the stage with a book in hand and started reading something to the couple about to be executed.

Shen Congfei's heart grew tense. He sighed silently, why hadn't the other two taken action when they were already in position?


In the eastern part of the city, a former police station has been revamped into a temporary camp by the Imperial Army, responsible for maintaining the city's order.

A man in an Imperial Officer's uniform, followed closely by a soldier in Imperial Army attire, briskly approaches the camp.

"Lieutenant? You, you're back?"

The soldier guarding the door, surprised by the sight of his somewhat disheveled superior.

"Yes, right. Go call someone for me, the guy with the scar on his face."

Upon hearing this, the soldier responds: "Are you asking for the leader of the fifth team?"

"Oh, yes, that's him. Bring him to me at once!"

The Lieutenant shouts impatiently.

The soldiers find this behavior usual, knowing that he's a nobleman and a soldier—a temper like his is not surprising at all.

"Yes, Lieutenant."

The Imperial soldier turns around and runs into the camp to fetch the person.

The Lieutenant turns his head and forces a smile: "You see, I've helped you, as promised. It's time to let me go, right?"

The Imperial soldier next to him raises his head, revealing his face under the steel helmet.

It's Xue Yangping.

He slightly raises his hand, gesturing to the gun at the back of the Lieutenant's waist, hidden in his sleeve.

"Well, don't rush it, the guy is not out yet."

Soon, the door-keeping soldier brings out an Imperial soldier wearing nothing but his uniform, not even a helmet.

"Lieutenant, how did you come back?"

The team leader, with a scar across his nose, walks out, a puzzled expression on his face.

This disgrace of a superior had been captured by the rebels before. How did he manage to escape?

As he asks this question in his mind, the team leader notices the soldier standing next to the Lieutenant and frowns.

"Raise your head. Whose squad are you in? Dare stand so close to the Lieutenant."

As he says this, the scarred man feels something amiss and reaches to his waist, preparing to draw his gun.

However, the next second, the soldier standing beside the Lieutenant reaches out first, revealing his gun.


Followed by a few more gunshots.

The leader of the fifth team collapses, trying to stop the blood gushing from under his clothes. Unfortunately, the wounds are too many. His blood soon stains the ground.

Looking up at the clear blue sky, the Imperial soldier, aware of his imminent death, seems to be reminiscing something.

The leader of the fifth team shakily caresses his chest, pulling out a photo from the shirt pocket. The unhappiness on his face is indescribable.

Xue Yangping sees he is not dead yet and considers shooting him a few more times.

But he doesn't, instead, he takes the photo from his enemy's hand.

Upon looking at it, he finds out it's a family picture of three: a young man without a scar on his nose, a beautiful wife, and a little girl.

The corner of the picture is stained with bloody fingerprints.

Seeing the picture, Xue Yangping is taken aback. He suddenly remembers the picture of his own family, feeling a sense of mixed emotions.

At this moment, the soldiers standing guard at the gate and the soldiers passing by finally react and raise their guns towards the shooter.

It scares a certain nobleman, who quickly puts up his hands.

"Wait, don't shoot, don't shoot."

The Lieutenant's cooperative manner allows Xue Yangping, who is just regaining his senses, to swiftly point his gun at his forehead.

"Nobody move. Come any closer, and I will shoot."

Taking a hostage and hiding behind him while making threats.

It's a standard tactic for a kidnapper.

The surrounding soldiers can't understand the language, but they can feel the threat, and they hesitated.

Just as Xue Yangping is planning to take the Lieutenant and flee, a voice dissolved the soldiers' doubts.

"No one put down your gun."

From inside the camp, an Imperial Officer, who appears to be a Lieutenant judging from his uniform and insignia, approaches.

The man speaks in the language of the Empire. Xue Yangping can't understand, but he feels a clear shift in the hostage's emotional state.

He guesses that the hostage in his grip might soon be rendered useless.

Instantly, he yanks open his Imperial uniform.

"All back off!"

The newly arrived Lieutenant and the soldiers surrounding are startled.

This madman is strapped with explosives.

Suddenly, the hostage is scared out of his wits, and the crowd instinctively retreats.