Chapter 27, The 3rd Night, Break

Let's rewind to five minutes ago.

After completing their rocket launcher mission, Xia Wei and Chen Yuanjia had no choice but to retreat down the external fire escape on the other side of the building, as someone was coming up the staircase.

However, as they descended the fire escape, they saw Shen Congfei on the other side of their field of vision, knocked to the ground.

"Cong Fei!"

Immediately panicked, Xia Wei didn't continue descending. Instead, she shot open a door by the stair platform and entered the fifth floor.

Because she concluded that the sniper was on this floor of the building.

Chen Yuanjia had no choice but to follow.

The two evaded Imperial soldiers in the corridor on their way to the rooftop, quickly locating the room where the sniper was.

Without a word, the two women drew their pistols. One broke the lock and the other aimed and fired into the room.