Chapter 37: Forest Protection Tactics

Inside the watchtower, no one was left behind except Shen Congfei.

This wasn't because of anything else, but because he didn't want to be outnumbered if he were surrounded, he could make an escape and slip away by himself.

If another person were to stay, he would have to divide his attention to care for them.

What could be called a burden if not that?

The others, having seen Shen Congfei's abilities, understood this point, so they didn't insist on leaving anyone behind.

Only Xia Wei, as he was leaving, reminded him to be careful.

Watching the others leave, Shen Congfei sat inside the watchtower, switched on the real-time surveillance system.

In an instant, a myriad of images from the jungle were transmitted to the split-screen in front of him.

Although each watchtower could only monitor one area.

But in this one area alone, there were hundreds of cameras.

Observing the surveillance images, Shen Congfei quickly found his own people and their enemies in the vicinity.