Chapter 45: Long Live Starfire!

The next day, in the square in front of the city hall.

Many civilians gathered here, surrounded by soldiers on alert every few steps.

Even the roofs and floors of many nearby buildings were manned by soldiers holding guns.

Armored vehicles and armed jeeps on the outskirts were on standby.

If anything similar to the previous attack happened, they wouldn't let anyone escape this time.

The red platform where the Tang couple was once to be executed was set up again.

However, the manhole cover under the platform was thoroughly sealed.

This time, fewer Imperial officers came onto the stage.

The mayor started with his usual remarks, saying a few formal phrases as always.

The crowd below was very quiet, as though they were submissively listening.

Seeing this, the colonel nodded in satisfaction before he got up and walked to the front of the lectern, having the mayor, who spoke the Imperial language, help him with the translation.