Chapter 55 - Night Exploration of the Base

The navy base was approximately 40 kilometers away from the border city.

Given their current speed in the armor vehicle, they would be able to get there in about an hour, depending on the traffic.

Therefore, they had to endure a stretch of boring time.

"Lucky you, having a computer to play with."

Xue Yangping looked across, full of envy.

This laptop was something Shen Congfei remembered to pick up from home half way through the journey.

Seeing that others assumed he was just killing time, he clarified,

"I'm not playing."

He then turned the laptop screen towards the others, showing them what was on it.

"What is this?"

"It's an aerial view of the navy base."

Shen Congfei said as he gradually zoomed in on the image displayed on the screen.

The vertically extending military harbor and numerous constructions situated beside it.

"So, this is the navy base." The others exclaimed in awe.

But Xue Yangping questioned him, "How did you manage to do this?"

"Satellites in space."