Chapter 73: Witness of History

The capital city of the Empire, the headquarters for network communications and strategic security.


A grim alarm tore through the entire department.

"Damn it, not again!"

The technician on duty couldn't help but curse under his breath.

They knew that this was the guy who took advantage of the last battle with the alliance's hackers to steal the Empire's secrets.

After a total department summary.

Though this hacker's abilities weren't strong, their methods were cunning, and they were adept at hiding their location.

More importantly, they had a particularly infuriating virus.

What was strange was,

Even the department's top-level security experts couldn't break this virus.

At first, it only lasted 60 seconds, and then it disappeared on its own.

As if it had never appeared.

Later, even more outrageous, the lasting time of this virus was doubled, actually extended to 120 seconds.

In the department, they referred to this virus as "Spirit Fade."