Chapter 85: Super Weapon (Part 1, please subscribe)


Shen Congfei looked at the lieutenant in front of him, the one who'd suddenly blurted out a phrase in the common language of the frontline forces.

He'd figured it out, but continued to play the mute little brother, staying silent.

Off to the side, Xia Wei was merely casting a glance at the Empire soldiers standing behind the lieutenant.

Noticing her gaze, he explained, "Don't worry, they are on our side."

"Let's go. There are too many people here; it's not convenient to talk."

The lieutenant spoke and then led the way, followed by a bunch of his subordinates.

Shen Congfei and Xia Wei followed without hesitation.

They walked into an imperial restaurant and, aided by the enthusiastic waiter, spread out over several tables.

The others were at nearby tables, while Shen Congfei, Xia Wei, and the lieutenant were seated near a floor-to-ceiling window.

"Be careful, we are still being watched."

The lieutenant spoke with a laugh, his words hinting at danger.