Chapter 115: Instant Annihilation at the Start (3rd update, please subscribe)

Underground shelter, the secret sector's Armoured Exoskeleton Lab.

More than an hour has passed since the introduction began.

"Look at this..."


"And also..."

"In simple terms, these are the features we've added so far."

Li Chengfeng pointed at his new creations, showing off with pride, completely oblivious to the comprehension level of those around him.

While Shen Congfei was dozing off in confusion, the long presentation that lasted over an hour was finally drawing to a close.

"But in fact, we have many more ideas for this device that we haven't yet realized, like for instance..."

"Wait a minute, Expert Li, thank you for your presentation. But I have a mission tomorrow, so I need to return to prepare for it. Maybe we can continue this another time?"

Shen Congfei anxiously interrupted, he had enough of this seemingly ordinary researcher.

He had never met this tireless talker before.