Chapter 120: Hallway of Hell (There's a power outage today, my phone battery is also running out, updating in advance)

The car with the two blown tires finally broke down halfway, blocking the several cars behind it.

Seeing this, Shen Congfei put away the gun he had swiped from the gas station.

He put the gun away and turned to look ahead.

At this point, he noticed that the red-haired man sitting in the rear seat of the motorcycle in front hadn't shown any anger. Instead, he was raising his hand as if enjoying the spectacle.

This made Shen Congfei realise that the other party really wasn't afraid to die.

Otherwise, why would they hold this "Death Race" in the game?

Most likely, this was someone frustrated in real life, merely venting in the game.

However, being able to afford such a grand display, the person must have a significant real-life background.

At the very least, they needed to have money.

Halting his thoughts, he glanced at the left side of his own car, where only half of the rear-view mirror remained after being hit.