Chapter 141: Past, Future, Rescue (1 more, asking for subscription)

Feeling somewhat embarrassed upon hearing Luo Jin's words, Shen Congfei remembered how they had previously led the "giant" around in the abandoned edge city, causing much destruction.

Now, many of the buildings were ruined beyond repair.

Without a doubt, rebuilding would consume even more resources.

Shen Congfei tentatively asked, "Should we start with the edge city?"

His foster father, across from him, shook his head.

"No, not the edge city."

"The naval base."

"It has shore defense guns and naval air defense facilities which could offer us a certain level of protection for our new location."

Understanding dawned on Shen Congfei.

Indeed, from a defense perspective, the naval base was equipped with shore guns for sea and near-ground defense, anti-aircraft guns, and even missile defense systems.

As long as it wasn't subjected to the Imperial Army's "Nightfall Day Attack" plan as before.