Chapter 147: Aerospace Launch Center (1st Update, Please Subscribe)

After defining their respective tasks, Shen Congfei and his team left the E-Zone studio.

Because the space inside was too small, it was not suitable for making a big project.

Therefore, they chose to build it at the aerospace launch center.

After the discussion, Shen Congfei arrived outside the shelter and, while others were busy, he first went to find the location of three resource boxes and put them away.

He did not choose to open them now, but planned to give them to a lucky one to open later.


After a day of preparation, everything necessary, including people, was loaded onto the transport plane.

In the cabin of the transport plane, the biochemistry experiment area outside the shelter, studying the corpse of "Headless Giant", was visible as the large cabin door slowly closed.

The light in the cabin darkened, and then the lights turned on.