Chapter 153: The Gradually Approaching Crisis (1st update, please subscribe)


Outside the cave behind the camp, Captain Leighton, the sailor chief, turned around as he heard a succession of explosions. He looked at the forest camp already surrounded by fire and thick smoke.

"What's happening!"

"Captain, our camp's been attacked, it's a land-guided missile!"


Hearing the words of the subordinate beside him, Leighton was both shocked and furious:

"Damn it, how could they know where we're hiding? We've clearly hidden deep in the forest to avoid them."

"Captain, it might have been those guys who led them here."

Looking at the subordinate pointing towards the cave, he grit his teeth. Although reluctant, he knew what he had to do now.

"Go, we retreat, remember to split up and retreat. The navy marines may land next, everyone has to fend for themselves."

Hearing these words, the surrounding man-eating crew members quickly scattered and fled.

Meanwhile at the cave entrance, Shen Congfei and the others also noticed this scene.