Chapter 168: Science has no boundaries, but scientists do (2nd update, please subscribe)

After Shen Cong Fei dropped a smoke bomb in the room, the four of them had already decided on their next tactics.

Two of them would stall the battle here, while the other two would take the chance to locate the target and retreat after acquiring it.

However, Xia Wei had other ideas. Seeing her sworn enemies reappear, her desire for revenge was diminished.

Ever since the last time, when she heard the opponent's answer straight from the horse's mouth in the engine room, Xia Wei had been somewhat bewildered.

Because she understood.

Her real enemy wasn't Ridiss.

But it was the entire empire, accurately speaking, its ideology.

The existence of such a nation, known for its worship of force, military expansion, and aggressive character, was unjustified in the first place.

As for Ridiss, he was merely one of the many components of this ideology.

If one died, countless others bearing the same thoughts would be born.