Chapter 173: Sky Pivot Plan (First update, asking for subscriptions)

Ridiss is dead.

He pierced himself in the heart with that metal spear.

For the mutants, only they know what the vital parts of their body are.

They didn't just abandon this former enemy in the desolate wilderness. Instead, Shen Congfei and others buried him right there on the grassland next to the runway.

Xia Wei didn't object to this action either.

She was silent, climbing back up onto the top of the vehicle, lifting her sniper rifle, looking into the distance through its high-magnifying scope.

Not long after.

Seeing the rising dust on the horizon, she shouted down,

"The enemy's main force is coming."

Xia Wei jumped off from the top of the vehicle. With the jetpack installed on her female Valkyrie armor, she could easily perform such movements.

After landing, she headed straight into the cabin.

The fuel was already filled up, and the final maintenance was also completed.

The Super God-level Mechanical Engineer Shen Congfei assumed the role of ground personnel.