Chapter 194: The Historical Truth and Version 1.5 (Second Update, Please Subscribe)

Once everyone had put on their new gear, it was naturally time to test it.

Shen Congfei led the group to a hill.

They chose this location for two reasons.

Firstly, to test out the equipment.

Secondly, it was because his Hunter's profession was once again up for a breakthrough.

Given the issues with the dysfunctional system, the "Honor Hunter" profession breakthrough was likely targeting this.

The Terra Tyrannosaurus.

This was why Shen Congfei postponed his level-up breakthrough.

With the extreme biting force of the Tyrannosaurus, calculated by the ton, he didn't know if his armored suit could withstand such a bite.

It wasn't until the equipment was improved post-technical breakthrough that he decided to undertake this level-up.

"Beep, skill detection shows that the skills [Hunting], [Trap], [Hunter] have been fully upgraded, and you meet the requirements for the Hunter profession upgrade mission."

"Accept/Decline breakout mission."

"Breakout mission accepted."