Chapter 196: The Clever Use of Plot Killing (2nd Update, Please Subscribe)

Shen Congfei took out several metal tags and handed them to everyone.

"Is this Tyra ore?" a player who had mined before asked, feeling the texture of the metal tag.

"Exactly, these are made from Tyra ore."

Hearing the player's words, he too acknowledged the material from which the metal tags were made.

"These patterns on it... why do they look familiar?"

Looking at the text on the metal tag, Xue Yangping seemed to remember something, his eyes widening:

"That graveyard?"

"Yes, that pattern serves as each Tylan's identification. It can only be crafted by a Tyra workbench, making forgery impossible."

Upon finishing, Shen Congfei added:

"Oh, don't forget about the genetic fusion data."

"Genetic fusion data? You really do like making things complicated, don't you?"

"What did you expect? That I'd simply give you a piece of junk?"

Shen Congfei countered, leaving his counterpart speechless.