Chapter 203: The Debt Collector Becomes Tactful (First update, asking for subscriptions)

After a long time, Shen Congfei was once again admitted into a sick ward.

Fortunately, being a superhuman improved by a refined potion, his extraordinarily robust constitution allowed him to recover from his injuries in less than a week.

In the meantime, the barbarian legions from the frontline territories had attempted a comeback.

However, the front line, having experienced the previous battle, had prepared accordingly.

The subterranean fortifications were also heavily guarded by the Front Line.

Thus, the Barbarians had temporarily altered their strategy, moving from large-scale warfare to opening new frontlines all over, focusing on minor skirmishes.

Hence, on the frontier's territory, apart from wanderers and looters, there is now another type of experience package known as the Barbarian Squad, along with the mutated creatures.

However, resources had especially dwindled after the battle on the Front Line's side.

Especially ammunition, which had become critically scarce.