Chapter 214: Soldier's Job Change Decision (Second update, requests for subscriptions)

"Underworld, outside the Terra Advanced Biological Laboratory.

"What, that good?"

"Damn, I even want to join."

"Is it too late to join now?"

A group of players were green with envy seeing the benefits of the reserve intern team for Spark.

Unfortunately, Shen Congfei chose to go the elite team route.

Even the ability of the reserve team members is top among the general players.

Of course, this is all for the public eye.

If it weren't for the players in the group chat, he might still hesitate.

How many times he had secretly given benefits to the group chat players, only Shen Congfei knew.

However, it was indeed like this. The players in the group chat at least had his trust.

If you foster unfamiliar players, and then boost their equipment and combat power, in the end, they would just leave.

Wouldn't that be a loss?

Create enemies for nothing?

Shen Congfei didn't plan on doing so.