Chapter 218: Found a Treasure (2nd update, please subscribe)

Seeing that the opponent wants to make a move, Shen Congfei took the initiative by engaging him directly.

By then, the people near the entrance of the Tlaloc high-end laboratory had reacted.

"Toss it over."

"Throw it quickly!"

"Oh! Catch it."

Realizing that the enemy wanted to snatch the object in his hand, Xue Yangping promptly threw the small metal ball upward, then he quickly ran towards the tower.

At that moment, Xia Wei, upon activating the jetpack on her external armor, managed to catch the metal ball and shot up into the sky.

When she reached the top of the tower, she suddenly turned to the pair still engaged in combat below:

"What should I do?"

"The port..."

Shen Congfei could only hurry a brief reply before falling back ensnared in combat with the Savage Barbarian Commander.

On the top of the tower, Xia Wei discovered a similar port on the metal ball.