Chapter 239: Off-line Group Chat Reunion (First update, please subscribe)

After the agreement was signed, apart from the players on the front line becoming the biggest winners and utterly falling into celebration.

The other players were most excited about the unlocking of new rebirth options in version 1.7.

In the previous mutant frenzy, the power of the mutants allowed them to experience the strength of new races and professions.

The new options that came out this time were bound to be strong for some time.

Many players eager for novelty couldn't wait to disrupt themselves, then rush to create new characters, retrieve the equipment legacy of their previous characters from the Relic Bank, only to be told that the Barbarian window is on the other side.

Looking toward the Barbarian window, they were startled to find that the service was manned not by a sweet-voiced and attractive customer service representative.

But by a Barbarian uncle with greyish skin, a rugged face, and no hair.