Chapter 242: The Sunken World (Second update, please subscribe)

After finishing these tasks, Li Zhen hurriedly left the captive she had knocked out and ran towards the others who were still in the water.

"Team Leader."

Seeing only the back of a figure left in the water, she hastily ran over and helped the person up.

"Sparrow, did you get the goods? But why didn't you tell us these guys brought along enhanced EMP equipment?"

"Thanks to these external armors, we made some electromagnetic shielding designs before."

Hearing Shen Congfei's complaint, Li Zhen looked somewhat embarrassed behind her visor:

"I didn't think they would bring that device."

"Fine, fine, my outer armor has finished self-repairing. You go check on Xue Yangping."

"You were supposed to tell him it was all an act. What's with all this fuss? I even feel a bit sorry for him now."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Li Zhen looked surprised.

"Huh? What do you mean, huh?" Shen Congfei responded, "Don't tell me you didn't brief the others beforehand?"