Chapter 245 Relationship Triangle Established (First Update, Subscribe Requested)

"What are you doing?"

Shen Congfei was dumbfounded. He thought they had just agreed on something. Could this girl not understand him?

"Is that the surface world over there?"

The other party's eyes widened, filled with anticipation.

"Uh, no, it is not."

Sensing trouble, Shen Congfei decisively denied it.

"Then where is it?"

"That's a savage, cruel, and utterly boring underground world."


"Really, can you let go of my hand now, miss?"

"That's great, take me there quickly!"


Looking at the Atlantean woman named Lijie holding his arm, Shen Congfei was certain of one thing: she seemed to have set her sights on him.

Just as Shen Congfei was preparing to refuse her with a righteous speech, he heard her say:

"If you don't take me, I'll tell the people behind that you want to do something bad to me."

Upon hearing this, he wanted to reprimand her for making false accusations, but seeing the approaching Atlanteans, Shen Congfei decided to oblige.