Chapter 260: Atlantis Treasure (2nd update, please subscribe)

People elsewhere were still oblivious to the changes happening on Newbie Island.

On the sea, at the deck of the commanding ship in the center of the Alliance fleet.

A dazzling blue light continually discharged energy.

However, this brilliant light inevitably could not escape its own limit.

At the source of the dazzling light, the blue beam gradually shrank in size as it lost energy from the source, and the light began to converge.

Finally, it turned into a thin blue light and disappeared on the sea surface.

On the deck, a Terran Anti-defense Gun, with its black, futuristic-tech style, emerged.

The crowd was a bit disappointed because the blue energy shield on Newbie Island had not been broken and still stood there.

"Wait, haven't you noticed that the color of the energy shield seems lighter?"

Just at this moment, a voice suddenly called out.

The crowd picked up their binoculars, looked carefully, and made an exciting discovery.

"Yes, it has indeed become lighter."