Chapter 263 Welcome Back to the Apocalypse (First update, asking for subscription)

In the real world, within a certain villa.

"Damn it!"

Chen Feifan removed the helmet device he wore on his head, his face full of anger as he hurled it to the ground.

Linking all that had happened before, he finally understood the abnormal behavior of the doctor and his intentions.

To bring Shen Congfei back from that world.

He thought about the previous incident. If Shen Congfei was to return and identify him, the consequences...

At this thought, Chen Feifan's facial expression tightened.

He stood up, opened the hidden door of the bookcase, revealing a metal safe in front of his eyes.

Chen Feifan entered the password and pulled out a box from within the safe.

Upon opening the box, there was unmistakably a miniature pistol and several tiny bullets within.

This was his expensive collection, obtained through great difficulty and connections, which he liked to take out quietly from time to time to relish in the touch.

Now, his eyes hardened.