Chapter 268: Return to Where Everything Began (Second update, please subscribe)

In the real world, days later.

In a hotel arranged by Wang Bing, the owner of Polar Online.

Shen Congfei and Dr. Xia were enjoying lunch in the restaurant, while watching images being displayed on an electronic device.

The screen showed a scene at a local court.

The court's criminal court had officially convened and announced its acceptance of the criminal lawsuit against Chen Feifan, the former general manager of TA Game Company.

The result was as Shen Congfei had predicted from the news days ago.

The defendant was sentenced to life imprisonment for alleged illegal detention, illegal possession of firearms, and intentional homicide.

Although no body was discovered at the scene, which was the basement of a villa owned by Chen Feifan, authorities were able to conclude based on the amount of blood that the victim had suffered severe blood loss.