Chapter 275: Worship the Destroyer (First Update, please subscribe)

"Is the situation serious?"

After hastily leaving the space launch center, Shen Congfei quickly got in a car and asked the person next to him.

Chen Yuanjia, who was driving, said while maneuvering the vehicle:

"It's not a matter of whether it's severe or not. If we can't handle this issue appropriately at this time, everything might be done for."

Upon hearing this, Shen Congfei began to understand the gravity of the situation.

"So what have you found so far? Who is causing this trouble?"

"Based on the analysis of our corps' internal intelligence experts, the conclusion is that the one who stormed and took the explosives is an organization named the Doomsday Cult."

"Doomsday Cult?" Shen Cong Fei furrowed his brows at this.

Before returning here, he had never heard that after the update, such a monstrous group would emerge.

"Yes, apparently it's an extremist group obsessed with world destruction, established in the early days of the apocalypse."