Chapter 277: Cycle of Death (First Update, please subscribe)

Making a character took only a minute. The leader of the Apocalypse Guild, [Shang], logged back into the game.

Once he had randomly retrieved his items from the relic bank, his first thought was to regain his footing.

He'd played plenty of games, but this was the first time [Shang] felt like he was about to blow his top.

He quickly pulled out his communicator and started reaching out to the other players in his guild.

"Guild…Guild leader? You okay?"

"I'm fine! Like hell I am!" [Shang] bellowed.

"Hurry, I'm at the guild hall of the Empire Beast's territory. Gather up, I'm going to wipe out those bastards from the Starfire Legion."

Ending the communication, he stormed toward the Beast's territory's branch of the Apocalypse Guild, his face twisted with rage.

If he bumped into another player by accident, he'd yell at them to get lost.

Luckily, the passing players saw his raging aura and muttered "psycho" before turning and leaving.